Associate Professor Maria Bargh appointed to the non-elected member role on the Greater Wellington Regional Council's Climate Committee

  • Published Date 28 Feb 2020

Victoria University of Wellington Associate Professor in Te Kawa a Māui, School of Māori Studies, Maria Bargh has been appointed as the non-elected member of Greater Wellington Regional Council's Climate Committee.

Chair of Greater Wellington's Climate Committee Thomas Nash has congratulated Associate Professor Bargh on her appointment.

"Maria Bargh brings an ideal combination of governance experience, knowledge of climate change and mātauranga Māori and familiarity with local government processes. We are very grateful that she has offered to contribute her skills, perspectives and connections to help shape the work of our new Climate Committee," says Cr Nash.

Associate Professor Bargh, whose iwi affiliations are Ngāti Kea/Ngāti Tuara of Te Arawa and Ngāti Awa, holds a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from Australian National University and a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and English Literature with a First Class Honours degree in International Relations from Victoria University of Wellington.

She has been a member of the Victoria University of Wellington academic staff since 2004, while also holding various governance roles including membership of the editorial boards of several peer reviewed journals, Auckland Council's Independent Advisory Group on Climate Action Plan, and Te Arawa Climate Change Working Group/Te Urunga o Kea.

Associate Professor Bargh's research interests include predator control on Mount Horohoro, voting in iwi organisations, mining on Māori land and community energy projects. She has presented nationally and internationally on Māori politics, resource management, and climate change.

"Having lived in Wellington much of my life I am aware of and understand the challenges and issues that are pressing in the region. I am familiar with some of the aspirations and concerns of mana whenua and look forward to engaging closely with them as further climate responses are formulated and implemented," says Associate Professor Bargh.

The principal functions of the Climate Committee are to oversee and inform the development and review of Council's strategies, policies, plans, programmes and initiatives from a climate change perspective; review the implementation and delivery of these matters; and provide effective leadership for the organisation and the region to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring a climate resilient future for the Wellington region.

Updated February 25, 2022 at 9:17 AM

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