Around 200 submissions received on Waiōhine River Plan

  • Published Date 06 Sep 2021

Around 200 submissions were received from the community on the Waiōhine River Plan, developed by the community-led Waiōhine Action Group and supported by Greater Wellington. Consultation on the plan, which opened on 25 June, ended on 16 August.

“During the submissions period, the project team was active in the community talking to people about the plan, answering questions and urging community members to make submissions,” says Greater Wellington Councillor and Waiōhine Steering Group chair Adrienne Staples.

The plan reflects far-reaching work to deliver affordable flood protection, public safety, meeting the interests of the people and their assets, and protecting the environment. This 70 plus-year vision aims at gradually improving and restoring a living corridor of pristine water, flora and fauna for better environmental, cultural, social and economic outcomes for the Waiōhine River.

“We’re currently reviewing submissions and preparing the summary documents for the Hearings Panel to review.

“We are closely monitoring the quickly changing pandemic scenario and following the guidance from the central government.

“It is unlikely that we will be able to conduct the hearings at Covid-19 Alert Level 2. We may have to wait until we return to Level 1,” says Cr Staples.

The Hearings Panel will hear oral submissions from the public and the plan will then be amended as necessary in response to the feedback before it is presented to the Greater Wellington’s council for endorsement.

Updated October 12, 2021 at 4:38 PM

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