We recognise sustainable farming in the Wellington region through the Ballance Farm Environment Awards.

The Awards show that farmers and lifestylers can successfully restore and enhance environmental values as part of their core business practices.

They also help people find practical solutions to issues of sustainability, and learn more about sustainable farming practices that enhance long-term profitability.

For more information about the Awards contact us at land.management@gw.govt.nz.

Why enter the award?

The award provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your farming operation, and the issues facing you and your farm, with a team of independent people who have a range of skills.

Through feedback and profiling winners, the Awards encourage farmers to be more proactive in their resource management by providing them with role models for sustainable land management.

The awards look at whole farm systems and strongly promote the positive. Every entrant is given feedback from specialist judges.

The awards help farming businesses enhance their asset in a variety of ways. Many past participants have entered to learn new ways of doing things.

Many entrants have commented how useful it was for them to spend the morning talking about their farm and walking around it with the judges.

Feedback from past entrants

Farmers have said that the benefits to be gained from entering include:

  • Linking sustainable farming practices to long-term profitability
  • Discussing practical farm information and business with judges from a range of fields
  • Gather new ideas and different methods from other entrants
  • Confirm your current farm management practices are sustainable
  • Prizes and recognition.

Specific comments include:

  • "Improves knowledge and exchange of ideas and practices".
  • "Good experience, and meet other people on the same wavelength. Some recognition for hard work".
  • "It's for all - anyone can take part".
  • "Because being involved is fun and the information flow is important".
Updated May 19, 2023 at 2:04 PM

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