The environmental strategy explains how the community’s long-term vision for enhancing and managing the Hutt River environment will be achieved.

Diagram illustrating that the environment, community, and recreation goals for the plan are all guided by the vision Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River and its corridor is an important feature in the Hutt valley. Long ago, the river shaped the landscape and is still a powerful influence due to its flood potential. For flood protection, the river is managed to keep it within a defined corridor from Te Marua to the river mouth at Seaview.

The corridor forms a linear park much valued by local communities and visitors for its natural, cultural, social and recreational qualities, despite various issues that undermine these qualities. Issues include depleted biodiversity, poor water quality, inadequate recognition of mana whenua values, pressure points of recreational use resulting in user conflicts, ad hoc development of recreational infrastructure (e.g. trails) and areas of poor visitor amenity.

The strategy seeks to protect and strengthen the river values through careful management, environmental improvements and recreational development alongside the flood protection measures. It is an integrated approach that will see the river environment improved while also reducing the flood risk over time.

To achieve the vision the environmental strategy sets out goals, objectives and actions under three inter-related focus areas.

Updated August 9, 2022 at 11:19 AM

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