Why should you vote?

This is your chance to say who you want to represent you when making decisions for our region over the next three years. The people elected to Council will make many decisions on your behalf. They will set Greater Wellington Regional Council’s rates and decide how the community’s money should be spent to achieve a sustainable region.

You can vote if you:

  • Are recorded on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll as a resident in the Wellington Region, or
  • Own a property in the Wellington Region but live outside the region (i.e you are a ratepayer elector), and are on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll (at the address where you live) and the Ratepayer Roll (in respect of the property you own in the Wellington region). 

If you are unsure whether you are enrolled or whether your details are correct, you can go to the Electoral Commission website

Updated October 17, 2022 at 2:07 PM

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