The Ramaroa Centre exterior on a sunny dayThe Ramaroa Centre at the entrance to the park has shelter, bathrooms, and a meeting space for hire. The park rangers are also based here.

The building is inspired by the park's landscape and heritage - from Māori life in the wetland region, to more recent stories of European settlement and the place of the US Marines in the park during WWII. The key elements are the:

  • Shape of the two separate buildings linked by a gullwing roof and deck referring to the traditional Māori wharenui and the tent structures from the Marine camp
  • Posts decorated with a contemporary design by local carver Nathan Te Rei
  • Roof's gull shape references the coastal setting

Venue hire

Community groups can hire the meeting space. There is seating for 60 people, a kitchen and audiovisual system.


Community Rate – Not for profit organisations

4 hours - $90

8 hours - $180

Commercial Rate

4 hours - $180

8 hours - $360

If you would like to book the room as part of an event you want to run in the park, you'll also need to apply for a concession to run an event.

To enquire about booking the meeting space, fill out the form below.  

Updated December 6, 2023 at 4:51 PM

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