Help us establish the ‘Friends of Battle Hill’ conservation group

A birds-eye-view of some of the buildings at Battle Hill Farm Forest ParkMany of our Regional Parks have ‘Friends groups’ that help in the planting and restoration work that goes on in their park. Battle Hill doesn’t have one yet and we would really like to see one established in 2023.

This page has been temporarily set up to communicate what we are doing in the park, and when you can come along to find out more or get involved in the various working bees.

Battle Hill Farm Forest Park has a variety of landscapes within the park including native bush, farmland, wetlands and pine forest. Areas of the park are being retired to protect these sensitive ecosystems and will be restored to support natural resilience and enhancing the park. A Friends of Battle Hill group is being established to support this work and provide an opportunity for those who enjoy the park to contribute back its restoration.

This group will undertake work within the park with the support of it’s park rangers. This may look like planting native plants, releasing plants (pulling weeds and grass away from recently planted plants), laying mulch around trees, tending to seedlings in the nursery (weeding, watering) and contributing ideas to how the park could develop in the future.

Ko ā mātou mahi | The Way We Work

We value collaboration and empowerment in the way we work with others, sharing common goals based on access and equity. This is one of our core values.

Join the Friends of Battle Hill conservation group

A trail at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park, leading through bright native bushFriends of Battle Hill is a group of volunteers who enjoy spending time in nature and assisting with restoration at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park. Working with Greater Wellington’s Park Rangers, you’ll bring your ideas, sense of community and energy to our restoration plan.

Who runs Friends of Battle Hill?

For the first 3 working bee dates (18 March, 21 May, 23 July), the park rangers will run these sessions, showing you around the park and giving you a taste of what work can be completed. After this time, the rangers will support those who wish to continue and take the lead of the group to coordinate future dates. The park rangers will work alongside the group to guide the work and support the group to become established. In the future, the vision is that the group will run their own meetings and plans and will consult park rangers on this planned work.

This is the first year Friends of Battle Hill is being established so the first few working bees will be run by Battle Hill’s Park Rangers. The Park Rangers will then work alongside and support those who want to lead the group into the future.

Come to one or all the working bees below – we would love to meet you and tell you more about the exciting plans for Battle Hill. All ages are welcome, with under 16-year-olds requiring parental supervision.

Working Bee Calendar Dates 2023

Saturday 18 March 10am – 12pm

Sunday 21 May 10am – 12pm

Sunday 23 July 9.30am – 12.30pm (+ free sausage sizzle)

August – TBC

Meet at the electric BBQ in the Dell Car Park.

Do I have to come to all of the working bees?

No, not at all. We understand that lives can be busy – if you want to be part of the group and are only available for some of the dates, that is okay. You can still be kept up to date on progress and plans via email updates.

For more information contact the ranger via email at

A stream running through Battle Hill Regional Park
A path through trees at Battle Hill Regional Park
Updated July 31, 2023 at 1:04 PM

Get in touch

0800 496 734