We have plantation forest sites on land we own in:  

  • Four Regional Parks (Akatarawa, Battle Hill, Kaitoke and Pākuratahi)  
  • Three locations in southeast Wairarapa (Hiwinui Forest, Tauanui Forest and Stoney Creek forestry blocks). 

We’ve sold the right to harvest trees in all of the plantation forest land we own. 

We work closely with forestry operators to make sure they meet the rules when managing forests and harvesting trees on Greater Wellington-owned land. This includes carrying out quarterly compliance checks. 

On GW land the harvesting rules are more stringent to help protect the local environment and, for publicly accessible areas like parks, help keep people safe. 

Forest360 manages plantation forests located in Regional Parks and on land we own in southeast Wairarapa. 

We have a Forest Ranger in place who leads the relationship with forest manager Forest360 for plantation forests in Regional Parks. They work with Forest360 to ensure practices meet National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) regulations, as well as additional requirements outlined in the Toitū Te Whenua Parks Network Plan and the Forest Cutting Rights. 

Updated June 23, 2023 at 12:24 PM

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