The climate emergency declaration encompasses everything we are doing to combat climate change including emissions from the Wellington region as a whole and adapting to the effects of climate change. 

The measures in this plan will be developed further but identify our immediate courses of action and major areas of work needed to achieve our targets and live up to the expectation created by declaring a climate emergency.

The new activities are dependent on Long Term Plan 2024-34 funding, and will be consulted on through that process.

Regional Climate Emergency Action Plan

  1. Ensure whaitua (catchment management plans) increase climate resilience and include mana whenua and tāngata whenua aspirations for climate action. (A,M)
  2. Investigate options for pest animal control to support the health of native ecosystems and their ability to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (A, M, New)
  3. Research nature-based solutions to ensure their use is effective in storing carbon and/or increasing resilience to extreme weather events such as storms, flooding and droughts. Prioritise and implement them where appropriate. (A, M, New)
  4. Implement the Wellington Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway, Regional Land Transport Plan and Regional Public Transport Plan, including increasing rail services to Palmerston North and the Wairarapa, to reduce dependence on private vehicles and reduce transport-related emissions. (M)
  5. Advocate to central government for strong and effective climate change and climate resilience policies and to ensure legislation and funding enables Greater Wellington to expedite its own climate-related actions and plans. (A,M)
  6. Work with regional partners to ensure adaptation planning is proactive, place-based, inclusive, community-led, and informed by sound science and Te Aō Māori. (A)
    1. Investigate increasing Greater Wellington’s capacity to engage and provide direction in this area. (New)
    2. Support the maintenance and continued improvement of an online regional climate change impacts assessment tool. (New)
  7. Develop capacity within Greater Wellington for securing funding for climate change-related research and implementation projects. (A,M, New)
  8. Support the implementation of the Regional Policy Statement’s new climate change polices and targets with further guidance for applicants on regulatory measures and via new non-regulatory methods. (A,M, New)
  9. Via the Wellington Region Leadership Committee, work collaboratively with key institutions and agencies across the region to develop a Regional Emissions Reduction Plan and a Regional Adaptation Plan. (A,M)
  10. Ensure that long term infrastructure investments and in the Region, including in housing and urban centres, properly account for and are resilient to anticipated increased climate change impacts, including both physical risks and transition risks, and avoid locking in high-emissions activities. (A,M, New)

Updated October 5, 2023 at 1:47 PM

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