Meteorological Hazards and the Potential Impacts of Climate Change in the Wellington Region

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Jun 2002
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In this study, the impacts of meteorological hazards and the potential
impacts of climate change on the Wellington region are identified. The
hazards investigated are intense rainfall and floods, droughts, landslides
and erosion, coastal flooding, severe winds, snowfall and frost,
excessively high temperature, lightning and hail, ex-tropical cyclones and
wildfire. The likely impacts of climate change on these hazards over the
next 50 to 100 years have been identified and the potential climate change
impact on Wellington Region activities has also been reported.

Climate change predictions given in this report are derived through the
use of scenarios, in which a number of greenhouse gas emission
pathways are constructed for the future, based on a range of plausible
social, economic and technological developments.

For each of these scenarios, predictions are then made for greenhouse
gas concentrations and the resulting climate changes, based on scientific
under-standing and incorporating science-based uncertainty ranges. The
result is a set of several different climate “projections”, spanning likely
future emissions pathways.
Updated December 7, 2022 at 9:24 AM