A Strategy for achieving Riparian Management in the Wellington Region : Draft for Consultation

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Aug 2001
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This Strategy outlines why the Council needs to act to promote the
appropriate management of riparian (streamside) areas. The Strategy
suggests the Council should do this by providing information and
financial assistance to landowners. The level of financial assistance
proposed is -

• Works comprising temporary or partial exclusion of stock, with any
directly associated works – 30%

• Works comprising permanent exclusion of stock, with any directly
associated works, and predominantly exotic vegetation planted – 40%

• Works comprising permanent exclusion of stock, with any directly
associated works, and predominantly native vegetation planted – 55%

The Strategy recommends that the Council moves from pilot programmes
to a more formal programme with a budget of $250,000 per annum, to be
decided at the next Long Term Financial Strategy.

In seeking public feedback on this Strategy, we are particularly interested
in finding out
• the level of support for the Strategy
• whether there is general agreement on the Strategy’s outcomes, the
proposed Council contributions, and the proposed target areas.

For more information about the Strategy, please contact Kirsten Forsyth at
the Wellington office. We would like to hear from you before 28 September
Updated December 7, 2022 at 12:24 AM