Response to LGOIMA request 2024-010 26 February 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-010 26 February 2024 preview
  • Published Date Mon 26 Feb 2024
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Request for Information:

"The road marking for Bus Stop 1108 (between 101 & 103 Arawhatu Road, Paraparaumu 5032) was amended recently. New road marking (which looks like bus stop markings) has appeared in front of 97 & 99 Arawhata Road, Paraparaumu 5032. 

Information Required: 

  1. What is the proposed (& ongoing) plan for the bus stop. Please include drawing and diagrams if available. 
  2. What was the catalysts for change? 
  3. What was the rationale for final decision & plan. 
  4. Will the physical sign for bus stop be moved? If yes, when and where will the sign be moved to? (Please provide drawings, diagram or map of available)
  5. What other structure (shelter/bench/lighting/etc) is planned with the proposed/ongoing change. Please include drawings/diagram if available.
  6. Can I have the contact details of the person managing this change, please?"
Updated April 10, 2024 at 10:22 AM