Response to LGOIMA request 2024-009 19 February

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-009 19 February preview
  • Published Date Mon 19 Feb 2024
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Request for information: 

"I am writing to make an Official Information Act request. 

I request that you attach copies of all of the sound files of your Metlink automated announcements. 

This should include: 

  • Train Onboard Announcements - The automated announcements played onboard the Metlink Matangi trains
  • Train Onboard Announcements - The automated announcements played onboard the Metlink Wairapa trains. 
  • Train Station Announcements - The automated announcements played at the Wellington station platforms.
  • Bus Onboard Announcements - The automated announcements played onboard the Metlink buses. 

For all of the above i require both the English language versions and the Te Reo Maori language versions. 

If possible please attach as .mp3 or .wav format or as .zip folders containing .mp3 or .wav format. But if not then any format is fine. As long as it is an accessible audio format. 

Thank you for your help and i look forward to your response"

Updated April 5, 2024 at 1:56 PM