Response to LGOIMA request 2023-304 23 January 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-304 23 January 2024 preview
  • Published Date Tue 23 Jan 2024
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Request for information: 

"Topic A - Ombudsman's report 'Open for Business' dated October 2023

  1. what steps has your territorial authority taken in regards to the Ombudsman's report? 
  2. what actions/motions have been passed by your territorial authority in response to the Ombudsman's report? 
  3. what steps are still under consideration? 
  4. what has or will the total cost been of any changes? 

Topic B - costs relating to councillors interactions

  1. How much has your territorial authority budgeted in each of the last 3 years for any costs related to councillor conduct. This could include individual conduct or between other councillors, mayor/chair or Chief Executive. This may include mediation, legal fees, legal investigations and similar.
  2. How much has your territorial authority spent in each of the last 3 financial years for any costs related to councillor conduct. This could include individual conduct or between other councillors, mayor/chair or Chief Executive. This may include mediation, legal fees, legal investigations and similar. 

Topic C - staffing numbers

  1. What is the full FTE staff number if your territorial authority was fully staffed? 
  2. What is your current FTE staff number employed? 
  3. What percentage of full FTE staff required is currently vacant? 
  4. What percentage of the vacant positions are not being actively recruited to fill. Eg what percentage are currently remaining vacant? 
  5. What effect will these vacancies have on the services your territorial authority delivers / can deliver? 

Topic D - senior leadership

  1. Has your Chief Executive resigned, or a new CE been appointed in the last 3 years? 
  2. How many of your Tier Two leaders resigned, or a new leader been appointed in the last 3 years? 
  3. Have your territorial authority had a staff restructure implemented, considered by senior leadership or consulted in in the last 3 years. This includes a restructure of the whole territorial authority, or one or more department. 

Tope E - contractors 

  1. How much was budgeted by your territorial authority in each of the last 3 years for external contractors? 
  2. How much was the budgeted amount as a percentage of total income for each of the last three years? 
  3. How much was spent by your territorial authority in each of the last 3 years for external contractors? 
  4. How much was the amount spent on contractors as a percentage of total income for each of the last three years? 
  5. Is your territorial authority's spend on contractors expected to increase this year because of staffing shortages. 
  6. Could the services contracted for be hired directly under the territorial authority? 
  7. What were the three companies, receiving the highest contractors spend in the last year?"
Updated April 2, 2024 at 3:43 PM