Response to LGOIMA request 2023-091 8 May 2023
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Request for information:
"Sewage... in our streams and beaches.
@WgtnCC can you advise of your plan to stop this happening?
@greaterwgtn Does this breach discharge consents?
Please consider these LGOIMA requests
(Retweeted Wellington Scoop Article
(Then commented): "Due to heavy rainfall, the Moa Point Treatment Plant has had higher inflows than its designed for. As a result, at 8:24am screened sewage was discharged 1.8km south off the coast of Lyall Bay
Additionally, How do you define "heavy Rainfall", WCC and GWRC?"
On 1 May 2023 you agreed to clarify your request to:
1. "A response from GW confirming if the following discharges referenced in the scoop article were authorised by a resource consent or were a breach of the Resource Management Act 1991:
- The discharge "at 8:24am screened sewage was discharged 1.8 km south off the coast of Lyall Bay"
- The discharge "At 9:29 am, there was also a discharge of untreated sewage from the Plant's short outfall, located in Tarakena Bay"
- the discharge "At 8:50am, fully treated sewage was discharged at the Waiwhetu Stream"
- The discharge "At 9:48am, screened sewage was discharged near the mouth of the Karori Stream"
- The discharge "Porirua Wastewater Treatment Plant had a discharge of a mixture of fully treated wastewater and treated but undisinfected wastewater today".
2. Explanation of how 'heavy rainfall' is defined in relation to the sentence "Due to heavy rainfall, the Moa Point Treatment Plant has had higher inflows than it is designed for.""