Climate drivers and seasonal outlook for the Wellington Region Autumn 2023 summary Winter 2023 outlook

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Climate drivers and seasonal outlook for the Wellington Region Autumn 2023 summary Winter 2023 outlook preview
  • Published Date Tue 27 Jun 2023
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While March and April were relatively uneventful in our region, May was the warmest on record for New Zealand as a whole and for both Wellington and the Wairarapa separately. An unseasonal warm spell at the beginning of May saw a blocking anticyclone pushing subtropical warm air towards the region and the South Island, with Martinborough hitting almost 24 degrees on 8 May. On the map, courtesy of, one can see the extreme unseasonal warm temperatures marked in red for 2 May, with the anticyclone to the east of the country.

Updated June 27, 2023 at 4:27 PM