Response to LGOIMA request 2023-023 3 March 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-023 3 March 2023 preview
  • Published Date Wed 05 Apr 2023
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Request for information: 

"[Redacted] The main queries I have is regarding the following projects: 

Wellington Metro Stations renewal project of multiple electrical units

  • Has construction already started? If yes, when did it start? 
  • When is construction expected to be completed? 

Bus drivers prefabricated toilet units project

  • Has the contract been awarded? If yes, who is the winner? 
  • Has construction already started? If yes, when did it start? 
  • When is construction expected to be completed? 

Lambton interchange redevelopment project

  • Has construction already started? If yes, when did it start? 
  • When is construction expected to be completed? 

Greater Wellington bust stop improvements project

  • Has tenders been called? If yes, when is the closing date & who handles the tender? 

Baring Heads & Belmont Regional Park firebreaks installation project

  • Has construction started? If yes, when did it start? 
  • When is construction expected to be completed? 
  • Which contractor is working on the Baring Head-East Harbour Regional Park? 
  • Which contractor is working on the Belmont Regional Park? 

Any information you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you." 

Updated April 5, 2023 at 10:05 AM