Response to LGOIMA request 2023-008 1 March 2023
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Request for information:
"How much money has been spent on and budgeted for funding for iwi partners over the past five years, listed by year, iwi and purpose of funding?
What criteria need to be met for iwi to be eligible for this funding?
What KPIs/evidence of appropriate use of funding are iwi required to report after receipt of funding, if any, and what are the consequences if these are not met?
How many GWRC work programmes, if any, are currently delayed/on hold awaiting iwi approval or readiness? Which programmes? Why are they on hold? Please provide any correspondence with iwi relevant to the delay of work programmes?
What legal advice, if any, has GWRC received in relation to iwi funding and iwi involvement in GWRC work programmes? Please provide copies of any requests and the resulting advice?
How many total staff have been employed in your iwi liaison unit in each of the last five years, and at what total salary cost, listed by year? What are the job titles and salary bands within the unit?"