Hydrology monitoring data from 1949 to 2022

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Hydrology monitoring data from 1949 to 2022 preview
  • Published Date Thu 22 Dec 2022
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Greater Wellington (GW) operates a hydrometric network for measuring rainfall, river levels and flow, lake and wetland levels, groundwater levels, tidal levels and soil moisture. There are approximately 270 monitoring stations on the hydrometric network, of which the majority are automated to operate continuously and to send the data to the office via a radio or cell phone telemetry system. This report contains key results for each of the five main whaitua (main river) catchments with recorded data for the year summarised and compared to long term averages and any significant hydrological events that occurred. An interactive version of this report can be accessed from the water monitoring page.

Reference: Greater Wellington (GW). 2022. Hydrology monitoring data report 2021/2022.

Updated January 11, 2023 at 2:43 PM