Queen Elizabeth Park Management Plan

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Queen Elizabeth Park is a valuable community asset providing public
access to the beach and dunelands of the Kapiti Coastal plain, preserving
a remnant of the original landscape of this increasingly urbanised area
and enabling the public to benefit from the recreational and educational
opportunities available there.

Queen Elizabeth park is classified as a Recreational Reserve under the
Reserves Act, 1077 and is administered by the recreation Department of
the Wellington Regional Council. This Management Plan has been
prepared by the Wellington Regional Council, pursuant to Section 41 of
the Reserves Act.

The Management Plan sets out the basis of the Park’s management and
provides a reference for the resolution of management issues.

The Management Plan preparation process involves extensive community
input, enabling the document to reflect community interest in the Park and
concern for its management.

The plan is in two parts.
Part 1 : Aim, Objectives and Policies
Part 2 : Resource Statement
Updated December 7, 2022 at 2:54 AM