Ground shaking hazard maps and booklets

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Apr 1992
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These map sheets, with accompanying booklets, have been compiled to
describe the ground shaking hazard for Wellington. The purpose of the
map is to show the geographic variation in ground shaking hazard that
could be expected during certain earthquake events.

For the purpose of this study, the region has been divided into five study

Sheet 1 – Wellington (WRC/PP-T-92/45)
Sheet 2 – Porirua (WRC/PP-T-92/46)wrc 
Sheet 3 – Hutt Valley (WRC/PP-T-92/47) 
Sheet 4 - Kapiti (WRC/PP-T-92/48)
Sheet 5 - Wairarapa (WRC/PP-T-92/49)

Updated April 5, 2023 at 8:12 AM