Baring Head Keepers Houses Building Inspection Report (Hutt City Council, 2010)

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Baring Head Keepers Houses Building Inspection Report (Hutt City Council, 2010) preview
  • Published Date Thu 02 Dec 2010
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The following report has been produced to give a perspective on the viability and costs associated with upgrading the two cottages at Baring Head. This is achieved by undertaking the visual assessment of the current status of the cottages.

The assessment involved the making of still photograph record of the current condition of the exterior and interior of the properties, and written records of observations on construction and condition. The assessment was, however, carried out in non invasive/destructive manner.

The proposed report does not consider change of use for the buildings. If the change of use is occurred, it is strongly recommended to discuss with a relevant Territorial Authority.

Updated March 16, 2022 at 11:36 AM