TN19 WPTM C and V Addendum

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TN19 WPTM C and V Addendum preview
  • Published Date Mon 31 Dec 2013
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The Wellington Transport Strategic Model (WTSM) and the Wellington Public Transport Model (WPTM) are the modelling tools that have been updated / developed for Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC). The WTSM is a 4-step regional travel demand model whilst the WPTM is an incremental public transport model that is linked to the WTSM by the sharing of a common network with the distinction of the zone systems in the two respective models:

  • WTSM comprises 225 zones (+50 park and ride station zones); and
  • WPTM comprises 780 zones (+50 park and ride station zones).
Updated March 3, 2022 at 5:01 PM