Earthquake risk assessment study: Wellington Region

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As part of a strategy that aims at achieving an acceptable level of risk from
earthquake and geological hazards in the region, the Regional Council
has undertaken a series of earthquake hazard assessment studies.

These reports present the assessed earthquake risk to buildings, critical
facilities and population for each study area. The geographic, building
vulnerability and casualty models used in the assessments are
described, and the seismic hazard, building inventory and population data
are summarised. The risk analysis methodology is described and results
are presented as tables and maps of assessed building damage
vulnerability, building damage states, building repair costs, number of
injuries and numbers of fatalities.

For the purpose of this study, the region has been divided into five study
Study area 1 – Wellington City (95/22)
Study area 2 – Hutt Valley (95/23)
Study area 3 – Porirua Basin (95/24)
Study area 4 – Kapiti Coast (95/25)
Study area 5 - Wairarapa (95/26)
Updated December 6, 2022 at 11:48 PM