This consent is not open for submissions.

The resource consent for the development was granted in October 2019 by Wellington City Council (WCC). In November 2020, WCC adopted the Key Commercial Terms for the proposed sale and lease of WCC-owned land at Shelly Bay. For more info, visit the WCC website.

Resource consent application under consideration of Greater Wellington


  • The original consent application was withdrawn, but a new application was lodged on 9 September 2021.
  • On 1 October we requested more information;  read a copy of the letter (PDF 634 KB) .
  • More information was received and on 2 November we delegated authority to Christine Foster (Independent Commissioner, CF Consulting Services) to determine if the application should be publicly notified or limited notified.
  • On 6 December Independent RMA Commissioner Christine Foster determined that that application can proceed on a non-notified basis.
  • On 22 December we issued the decision granting consent to Shelly Bay Taikuru Limited.  Read a copy of our officers’ report. (PDF 708 KB)

This page will be updated when new information is available.

For more information on our consenting process visit our resource consent pages.

If you have a specific question about this consent, please email

For information on the WCC consenting process for this development, visit the WCC website.

Updated July 27, 2023 at 9:56 AM

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0800 496 734