Other Variables: Dissolved Oxygen, pH & Conductivity

Switch tabs below to look at different variables.

Dissolved oxygen mg/L

Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) summer (1-Nov to 30-Apr) sampling results for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20 benchmarked against National Objectives Framework (NOF) guidelines.

Drag and scroll on the map to move and zoom in on areas of interest, hover on the site circles and river lines to see more information, click the top right checkboxes to show/hide layers (double clicking will bring that layer to the front), and use the selection box on the top left of the map ( ) to subset table data.

Click on table rows to highlight those sites on the map above and click on table headers or the arrows next to them ( ↓↑ ) to sort that column.

Dissolved oxygen % saturation

Dissolved oxygen (% saturation) results for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20.

Drag and scroll on the map to move and zoom in on areas of interest, hover on the site circles and river lines to see more information, click the top right checkbox to show/hide rivers order three and above on the map, and use the selection box on the top left of the map ( ) to subset table data.

Click on table rows to highlight those sites on the map above and click on table headers or the arrows next to them ( ↓↑ ) to sort that column. n refers to the number of samples and units are % saturation unless otherwise noted.


pH results for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20.

Drag and scroll on the map to move and zoom in on areas of interest, hover on the site circles and river lines to see more information, click the top right checkbox to show/hide rivers order three and above on the map, and use the selection box on the top left of the map ( ) to subset table data.

Click on table rows to highlight those sites on the map above and click on table headers or the arrows next to them ( ↓↑ ) to sort that column. n refers to the number of samples and units are measured pH unless otherwise noted.

Electrical conductivity

Electrical conductivity (μS/cm) results for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20.

Drag and scroll on the map to move and zoom in on areas of interest, hover on the site circles and river lines to see more information, click the top right checkbox to show/hide rivers order three and above on the map, and use the selection box on the top left of the map ( ) to subset table data.

Click on table rows to highlight those sites on the map above and click on table headers or the arrows next to them ( ↓↑ ) to sort that column. n refers to the number of samples and units are μS/cm unless otherwise noted.