Duneland condition

Switch tabs to look at duneland Condition and Pressure scores in the Wellington region. Drag and scroll on the map to move and zoom in on areas of interest and hover on the site circles or arrows to see more information. Use the top right toggles to switch between “Condition/Pressure components”, “Survey cycle”, and duneland management “Programme”.

Change from years 1-5 to 6-10: When “Years 6-10” is selected, arrows denote change in condition and pressure scores from the previous survey:

Click on table headers to sort the data by that column – holding the shift key allows sorting over multiple columns. Sites are ordered geographically anti-clockwise around the region.


Dune condition state overall and sub-component scores rated at each site. Higher scores indicate better condition, see methods for details on the scoring system.


Dune condition pressure overall and sub-component scores rated at each site. Higher scores indicate less pressure, see methods for details on the scoring system.