Restoration Day becomes Restoration Week as the Wellington Region celebrates community conservation

  • Published Date 19 May 2023
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Greater Wellington is inviting people to learn about restoration and connect with conservationists for the first ever Restoration Week, from Sunday 21 – Saturday 27 May.  

For over 20 years, Restoration Day has given people the opportunity to learn restoration skills from experts and each other. This year, in a collaborative effort, Greater Wellington, mana whenua, territorial authorities and conservation partners will provide an entire week of free events dedicated to helping curious conservationists make a difference. 

Jo Fagan, Senior Biodiversity Advisor at Greater Wellington, said that local communities can have a huge impact on conservation progress. 

“By sharing skills and stories, conservationists can support each other in revitalising our region. With a week of in-person events and webinars, we hope to facilitate positive discussions and learning opportunities.” 

The week's events will include Wānanga Waimāori: a day of talks, workshops and fieldtrips focussed on restoring our waterways. A Fish Passage Field Trip will teach attendees about native fish, and overcoming the barriers which prevent them from swimming upstream. The Te Taiao webinars, a 6-night series delivered by local experts, will cover key areas of te taiao restoration across the region. Fieldtrip spaces are limited, so booking is required. 

All are welcome at Belmont Regional Park on Saturday 27 May, where Greater Wellington is supporting Porirua City Council (PCC) to run a Community Planting Day - the perfect opportunity to put Restoration Week knowledge into practice. 

“This planting day is part of Porirua City Council’s plan to improve the water quality and biodiversity of our streams and harbour,” said Brian Thomas, Program Manager for Riparian Management at PCC. “We’re aiming to get 5000 native plants in the ground, so the more green fingers the better!” 

Anyone who attends an activity will be able to enter a prize draw, with winners announced at the end of Restoration Week. There are a range of prizes up for grabs, including family passes to Zealandia and Wellington Zoo. 

Those interested in attending Restoration Week events should visit the GW website to register and for more information. 

Updated May 19, 2023 at 3:04 PM

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