Hutt CBD flood protection scheme takes a step closer

  • Published Date 27 Nov 2015

Improved flood protection work in the stretch of the Hutt River between Ewen Bridge and Kennedy-Good Bridge has come a step closer following the Hutt Valley Flood Management Sub-committee’s decision to recommend that the Greater Wellington Regional Council proceed with Option A. 

If the council accepts this recommendation at its meeting on 9 December the option will go forward for preliminary design, costings and implementation timeframes ahead of Resource Management Act hearings in 2016, at which the public will have a further opportunity to comment on the proposal.

"Option A will provide flood protection to the agreed 1 in 440 year standard for approximately 100 years and will accommodate the higher levels of rainfall we expect to occur as a result of climate change," says sub-committee chair and regional councillor Sandra Greig.

To achieve this standard it will be necessary to widen the river channel and increase the height of the stopbanks alongside the river. To accommodate these changes it will also be necessary to purchase properties on Marsden Street and Pharazyn Street. Affected owners of these properties are currently in discussion with the regional council.

As well as significantly improved flood protection Option A also includes proposals to link parts of Lower Hutt's CBD to the riverbank, creating a new and lively focus for the area as foreshadowed in Hutt City Council's "Making Places" urban renewal strategy.

In mid-October a hearing panel made up of representatives from Hutt City Council, Upper Hutt City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Iwi considered two flood management options in detail after examining written and oral submissions on two options.

"The hearing panel recommended to the Hutt Valley Flood Management Sub-committee that it proceed to the next stage with Option A, and we have agreed with it because it offers the best flood protection and was overwhelmingly favoured by the Lower Hutt community after extensive consultation," says Cllr Greig.

Updated April 29, 2022 at 10:01 AM

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