Wellington Regional Council Harbourmaster’s Direction 1A/2023 Ferry distance off Wellington South Coast in certain conditions

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Wellington Regional Council Harbourmaster’s Direction 1A/2023 Ferry distance off Wellington South Coast in certain conditions preview
  • Published Date Fri 31 Mar 2023
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This direction is issued pursuant to section 33F(1)(c)(i) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994 (the MTA) enabling the Harbourmaster to ensure maritime safety.

All vessels operated by Interislander and Bluebridge transiting the Wellington South Coast shall navigate outside the area shaded in the chart excerpt provided in the direction when the Baring Head five-minute average wind speed is 25 knots or more from any southerly direction in an arc from East-South-East (112.5°) to West-South-West, (247.5°).

This direction comes into effect on 24 April 2023. It will remain in force for 12 months and may be extended by further notice in writing.

Updated June 29, 2023 at 10:38 AM